
New Horizon Music Agency offers a flexible approach to support the bands / artists

This is the New Horizon !!

Over the years I have had a vast amount of experience dealing with bands out there both as founder of Just Push Play Festival, my radio show, podcast and other live performance ventures. A lot of these bands have a great support team behind them. Though naturally as things begin to grow for the band/artist they need more help in a variety of areas. There are also bands out there who need more direct help, which is why New Horizon Music Agency offers a flexible approach to work with the bands/artists and see where they need support.

So New Horizon Music Agency, offers bespoke support for the band themselves. Not an off the shelf package or service, but working with the band/artist and their existing teams to see where they need support most and how I can help them achieve their goals. Goals will change and evolve, but so can the plans to help you achieve them, so long as we are open, honest, and in regular contact then there’s nothing to stop us.

So as well as everything that comes along with putting on Just Push Play Festival over the last ten years, I have spent a lot of my working life in the IT sector so this is also a skillset I can also harvest on, between this and my experiences in website development, design work, media, digital marketing, logistics, I think that we could cover any potential goals you will want to tackle

I want to work with the bands/artists and their teams to support them however is needed. So if you like what you’re reading then let’s have a chat and see exactly how we can work together!